Chinese aseptic packaging company accelerates domestic substitution by acquisition

As one of the largest dairy and milk consumers in the world, with an annual industry growth rate of about 10 percent, China has in recent years set its sights on aseptic packaging, an unassuming but critical phase for the milk industrial chain, which aroused market attention as Chinese companies strategize to break foreign monopoly through business mergers and acquisitions.

In the Chinese market, aseptic packaging demand is primarily driven by liquid milk products.  In 2022, the retail scale of domestic liquid milk reached about 440 billion yuan, marking a 4 percent year-on-year increase. The sector’s compound annual growth rate is projected at 4.8 percent, supporting the burgeoning aseptic packaging industry, according to data from China Insights Consultancy.

Chinese leading aseptic packaging enterprise Shandong NewJF Technology Packaging Co., Ltd (NEWJF) announced in January 2023 its acquisition of a 28.22 percent stake in Greatview Aseptic Packaging and completed the acquisition in October of the same year, notably boosting NEWJF’s competitiveness in the liquid product packaging market. 

“From a macro point of view, the acquisition further enhanced China’s food security and accelerated the domestic substitution in aseptic packaging sector,” a representative from NEWJF told the Global Times, adding that the move also promoted a long-term steady development of downstream enterprises.

Both NEWJF and Greatview are prominent companies in the industry and their cooperation is seen as a strategic endeavor to enhance the overall competitiveness and productiveness of the domestic aseptic packaging industry. 

The two sides’ partnership includes a centralized fund for research and development aimed at upgrading domestic aseptic packaging technology, ensuring the security and independent development of the sector, said the NEWJF.

“NEWJF values this cooperation opportunity, and is willing to explore the aseptic packaging sector providing clients and industry with better services,” said the NEWJF,as Greatview published circular and notice of Shareholders’ Assembly on appointment of directors on January 9, 2024,“It is our right to appoint directors as the largest shareholder and we believe that diversifying Greatview’s board of directors will expedite its sustainable development.”

Founded in 2007, NEWJF, listed on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in September 2, 2022, witnessed consecutive revenue growth from 2020 to 2022. Analysts believe that the acquisition will facilitate NEWJF in further exploring international markets.

About 20 years ago, aseptic packaging technology played a pivotal role in Chinese milk brands’ nationwide development. This technology, which allowed for a six-month-expiration date for fresh milk, was initially monopolized by foreign companies, stifling the independent development of the domestic milk industry. 

At the time, Swedish aseptic packaging company Tetra Pak held over 90 percent of the domestic market share, cooperating with Chinese milk giants Yili and Mengniu. Before 2008, the cost for aseptic packaging accounted for about 30 percent of the overall cost of milk products, and compressed the profit margin of the milk industry.

According to a report from Chinese analysis firm TF Securities, in 2020, Tetra Pak still accounted for over 50 percent of domestic market share, while domestic aseptic packaging brands are expected to gradually increase market share by breaking through technological monopolies, and entering the core customer supply chain with a price advantage.

NEWJF became qualified provider of aseptic packaging material for Yili in 2009 and it solidified its ties when Yili bought a 20 percent stake in NEWJF in August 2015.  While Yili’s current stake has been reduced to less than 5 percent at present, it still remains NEWJF’s largest client, generating 70 percent the packaging company’s revenue. 

Greatview Aseptic Packaging accounts for about 40 percent of products of Mengniu, and is also the core supplier of New Hope Dairy and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Xiajin Milk. 

The acquisition helped NEWJF resolve overcapacity issues with Mengniu and enhance production efficiency by adopting a universal management system. The collaboration between the two leading companies also facilitated the healthy development of the industry, moving away from price wars. 

What’s more, Greatview’s overseas manufacturing bases and aseptic filling machine technologies were also a catalyst for the domestic substitution process of aseptic packaging, further boosting NEWJF’s global business.

Business insiders said the acquisition positions NEWJF as the most promising aseptic packaging company in China, with the potential to replace Tetra Pak.

According to data from SWS Research, domestic demand for aseptic packages was 113.6 million in 2022, up 3.2 percent year-on-year. The market scale has grown to 20.1 billion yuan, reflecting a 4.1 percent year-on-year increase. 

Considering the numerous opportunities in China's milk and beverage market, NEWJF is expected to replicate Tetra Pak's successful path and grow into a “Hidden Champion” in the unassuming industry of aseptic packaging.

China's scientific research ship 'invades' the Indian Ocean? Who will buy it?: Global Times editorial

The recent report released by the long-established conservative think tank in the US, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), states that China's scientific research vessels engaged in energy and marine environmental surveys in the Indian Ocean can support "military needs," including how to maneuver and obscure submarines during conflict. The timing of this report is delicate, coinciding with the visit of Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu to China, while another South Asian country, Sri Lanka, recently announced the suspension of foreign research vessels including those from China entering its waters under India's pressure. The CSIS report rightly comes at a time when some countries need to manufacture a "China threat" narrative in the Indian Ocean region and provides them with ammunition.

It is essential to shed light on the CSIS in this context. Founded during the Cold War, it has intricate connections with the US military and intelligence agencies. Active-duty military officers can directly serve as researchers in the think tank, and the think tank also regularly undertakes policy reports commissioned by the US Department of Defense. When a think tank with such affiliations releases a report, it becomes challenging for the outside world to acknowledge its authenticity and independence, prompting skepticism about whether it serves as a "white glove" for advancing the strategic and tactical objectives of the US military.

Another noteworthy point is that, following the release of the report by CSIS, Western media quickly followed up on its content. This pattern of "military/intelligence agencies leak information - media follows up with sensationalism - government and parliament apply pressure" has become quite common in recent years in the US and Western countries. The so-called "evidence" against China is often later proven to be baseless or inconclusive, while measures by the US and Western countries to contain and suppress China remain in place.

For instance, take the recent issue raised by the US regarding China's comprehensive scientific expedition in the Indian Ocean. These activities have been ongoing for many years and involve more than just China; countries like Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, among others, were once invited by China to participate. Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are all Indian Ocean nations. Does this mean all these countries have intentions to "invade" the Indian Ocean? China has provided detailed public explanations regarding the research topics, scope, and results of each scientific expedition, both before and after the events. What more does China need to clarify? If some countries, right from the beginning, are not interested in the scientific research vessels but have other disguised intentions, then, no matter how China proves its innocence, they will find reasons to overturn it.

The US accuses China's scientific research activities of possibly having military purposes, but what the outside world perceives is the US showcasing its military actions in the Indian Ocean. Just last year, the US and the UK disregarded United Nations resolutions and the sovereignty of Mauritius by privately transferring Diego Garcia Island in the Indian Ocean, which sparked international outrage. Since the US wants to take such a big risk and maintain its military presence in the Indian Ocean, it definitely needs to find a reason. Since even Chinese garlic can be used as a reason to "threaten US national security," what else is deemed impossible?

The Indian Ocean is one of the least understood oceans by the scientific community, and a fundamental reason is the lack of sufficient on-site observations. The unsolved mysteries surrounding the Indian Ocean not only result in scientific losses but also imply uncertainties faced by Indian Ocean countries in terms of climate, ocean currents, resources exploration, and other aspects. In the context of global warming and rising sea levels, this even endangers the national security of coastal countries and the security of all humanity. China and regional countries are exploring the natural ecology of the Indian Ocean through cooperation, without any hidden agenda. The purpose is to further promote marine ecological protection, develop sustainable blue economy, and jointly respond to crisis challenges. In the eyes of some countries, including the US, they only see their own military hegemony and disregard other countries, obstructing and threatening other countries' independent cooperation. It needs to be reminded that most of the Indian Ocean is international waters, not their internal sea.

Interestingly, in response to the vivid portrayal of China's scientific research vessel as a "military threat" by American media outlets such as The Washington Post, there is merciless ridicule from some netizens. One comment sarcastically mocks the US, saying, "Oh my, doesn't China know that only the US can do such things?!" Regardless of how sternly it presents itself now, the US' double standards have already reduced its credibility to zero in the eyes of the international community, resulting in a backlash in public opinion. Hong Kong media has pointed out that while other countries are constrained by the US' selfish interpretation of international law, the US believes it is not bound by the law. Its ideology is, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Chinese, US researchers jointly develop new type of stable semiconductor graphene with 10 times higher performance than silicon

Researchers from China and the US have jointly created a new type of stable semiconductor graphene, which displays performance 10 times higher than silicon and 20 times larger than that of the other two-dimensional semiconductors. The achievement marks "a leap from silicon chips to carbon chips," Ma Lei, leader of the research from the Tianjin International Center for Nanoparticles and Nanosystems (TICNN) at Tianjin University, who led the research, told the Global Times.

The achievement, jointly made by Ma's team and researchers from School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, was published online on the website of the journal "Nature" on January 3, 2024.

With silicon-based chips gradually approaching the physical limit of two nanometers, there is a surge in global demand for chips based on high-quality semiconductor materials. Two-dimensional materials, due to their excellent electronic transport properties and potential for high integration, have become a new frontier that scientists and semiconductor companies around the world are eager to invest in. 

Graphene, as the first discovered two-dimensional material that can exist stably at room temperature, has been the focus of scientists' efforts since its discovery in 2004 to design a new type of chip that consumes less energy and operates faster than existing semiconductors. However, the unique Dirac Cones of graphene leads to its "zero bandgap" characteristic, which has been the biggest obstacle to its application in the semiconductor field. 

By precisely controlling the epitaxial growth process of graphene, Ma's team introduced a bandgap into graphene, creating a new type of stable semiconductor graphene, which exhibits electron mobility far exceeding that of silicon materials. It displays performance 10 times higher than silicon and 20 times larger than that of the other two-dimensional semiconductors.

"We mainly applied a special growth environment and growth conditions to modulate graphene itself using SiC crystals, achieving the opening of a bandgap in graphene. This transforms the originally gapless graphene into a material with a bandgap," Ma said. He noted that what the team created "is a true single-crystal graphene semiconductor."

The development of this semiconductor not only paves the way for high-performance electronic devices surpassing traditional silicon-based technologies but also injects new impetus into the entire semiconductor industry. As the limits predicted by Moore's Law draw closer, the emergence of semiconductor graphene heralds a fundamental shift in the field of electronics. Its breakthrough properties meet the growing demand for higher computing speeds and miniaturized integrated electronic devices, read a report on the Tianjin University's website.  

Once delivered into large scale production, the single-crystal semiconductor graphene will lay an important foundation for the transition from the silicon era to the carbon era. However, whether graphene semiconductors can lead to a breakthrough in the chip industry still needs time to test, Ma noted.

When asked how far the achievement is from industrialization, Ma said he currently cannot predict. "When it can be put into large-scale industrial applications depends on the process from millimeter-scale single crystals to inch-scale single crystals." 

In a related report on January 4 by, Ma was quoted as saying that "I estimate that it will take another 10 to 15 years before graphene semiconductors can truly be fully implemented." 

Ma said that now he and his team are working hard to grow larger-sized graphene semiconductor single crystals.

In order to continue to promote the development of semiconductors, countries and regions all over the world are actively seeking new materials and paradigms in addition to two-dimensional materials. In November 2023, Huawei and Harbin Institute of Technology jointly applied for a "hybrid bonding method for three-dimensional integrated chips based on silicon and diamond." In September 2023, Japanese news outlet Nikkei reported that the Japanese startup company OOKUMA plans to commercialize diamond semiconductors, and will start production as early as the fiscal year 2026. 

With the intensification of competition, the US has been increasing its export control measures on chips to China, unreasonably suppressing Chinese semiconductor companies, and attempting to "strangle" China in the semiconductor chip field. 

In this context, the achievement by Chinese and American teams has attracted special attention. According to Ma, the intensification of China-US semiconductor competition has indeed had an impact on the cooperation between the scientific teams of the two countries, such as information exchange and sample exchange. However, overall, the cooperation between the two teams has been fruitful. 

"Healthy competition is an important factor in promoting development, while malicious competition hinders the development of technology. I hope that cooperation is the mainstream and competition is a stimulant. With cooperation as the mainstream, appropriate competition will make scientific development better and better," Ma noted.

So-called new situation advocated by separatist Lai would create dangerous situation with ‘rough waves’ in Taiwan Straits: mainland spokesperson

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) separatist candidate Lai Ching-te's latest remarks to advocate the fallacy of "Taiwan independence" as well as his previous remarks indicate that if he was elected as the leader of Taiwan region, he will further promote "Taiwan independence" and separatist activities and the so-called "new situation" that Lai wants to create will be a dangerous situation with rough waves in the Taiwan Straits, Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office told a press conference on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday, Lai told a press conference that he will continue Tsai Ing-wen's diplomatic, national defense, and stable cross-Straits policies, claiming that if elected, it will contribute to creating a new situation in the Indo-Pacific region.

Chen said that the cross-Straits relations have deteriorated from peaceful development to tense confrontation over the past eight years, which fully proves that the so-called "Tsai Ing-wen path" is a path of "Taiwan independence" and confrontation, and is harmful to Taiwan. It is the major threat to Taiwan's security, the interests of Taiwan people, and regional stability.

Lai claimed to continue the path, which means continuing old path of provoking "independence" and confrontation, leading Taiwan away from peace and prosperity but toward conflict and recession, said Chen.

"Taiwan independence" is incompatible with peace in the Taiwan Straits and goes against the interests and well-being of the people in Taiwan. Only with peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and peaceful development of cross-Straits relations can the people in Taiwan live a peaceful, secure, and prosperous life, Chen said.

The spokesperson also sincerely hoped that the majority of the compatriots on the island of Taiwan will recognize the extreme harm of the DPP's "Taiwan independence" path and the extreme danger of Lai's provocation of cross-Straits conflicts, and make the right choice at the crossroads of cross-Straits relations, to create a new situation of friendly support and prosperous development between compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.

Chinese shipbuilders draw growing orders, with deliveries as far-flung as 2028

Chinese shipbuilding enterprises have obtained the most orders from global clients, with their scheduled ship delivering time stretching as far-flung as 2028, China Media Group (CMG) reported on Saturday.

The delivery time for ships to be built by the Guangzhou Shipyard International Co has already been scheduled into 2027 and 2028, as ship owners worldwide are drawn to the company by its strengths in green production and environment protection, said Li Hao, an official from the company, the CMG reported.

More than 60 percent of the company's on-hand orders are methanol powered dual-fuel ships or liquefied natural gas fired dual-fuel models. Comparing with the conventional container ships, ultra-large container ships powered by dual-fuel can reduce 20 percent of carbon emissions, in addition to curbing 85 percent of nitrogen oxide and 99 percent of sulfur emissions.

China's shipbuilding industry has been ramping up efforts to advance the industry's high-quality development through intelligence and green technology, and the nation's shipbuilding completions, new orders and orders on-hand have achieved a marked growth in 2023.

From January to November in 2023, China completed shipbuilding of 38.09 million deadweight tons (dwt), a year-on-year increase of 12.3 percent, according to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. New orders recorded an annual growth of 63.8 percent to 68.45 million dwt, and the orders on-hand totaled 134.09 million dwt as of the end of November.

For instance, a mega vessel - with a loading capacity of up to 16,616 standard containers constructed by the company - is one of the largest container ships in tonnage under construction in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Li said.

The intelligent transformation has also boosted shipbuilding efficiency, which is traditionally a labor-intensive process. Through intelligent transformation, the entire workshop for building a ro-ro passenger ship with over 20,000 square meters can be reduced from 200 people to 50 people by integrating more automation and robotics technology.

China's first domestically-built large cruise ship, the Adora Magic City, welcomed its first group of more than 3,000 Chinese and foreign passengers at the Shanghai Wusongkou International Cruise Terminal on the first day of 2024, embarking on its maiden commercial voyage.

China's top court releases typical cases of disputes over betrothal gifts

A series of typical cases related to bride price and dowry were issued by China’s top court and other departments on Monday as reference and supplement to the stipulations in the Civil Code in dealing with disputes over bride price when couples break up. 

According to China’s Supreme People’s Court, as a traditional Chinese custom, bride price and dowry have a deep social and cultural foundation in the Chinese society. However, the rising amount of bride price and dowry in recent years has led to an increasing number of bride price-related disputes and even serious criminal cases, China Central Television reported on Monday. 

A recent murder case of two victims related to the disputes over bride price happened in Liangshan, Southwest China’s Sichuan Province, on November 11. The incident sparked heated discussions online. 

A woman and her relative were killed by the woman’s ex-boyfriend and his father at a local mahjong parlor after the woman refused to return the bride price despite that she decided to break up with the man. The woman received 300,000 yuan ($41,741) in bride price but returned 150,000 yuan to the man after they broke up, according to media reports. 

On Monday, the Supreme People’s Court, together with China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs and All-China Women’s Federation held a press conference to release four cases involving disputes over bride price and dowry, which balanced the interests of the involved parties. The ruling took local economic and social development into account, and gave consideration to factors such as the duration of cohabitation, whether they have registered for marriage legally, and whether they have children. 

According to the Civil Code, there are three situations the bride price should be returned: the couple have not registered legally, they registered but don’t live together, or the payment of betrothal gifts causes financial difficulties for the payer. 

However, in practice, there are many cases in which the couples have not registered legally but have held weddings according to local customs and have lived together. Sometimes the couples have registered their marriage but only live for a short period of time. The Civil Code does not apply to these cases. 

According to the Supreme People’s Court, this batch of representative cases clarifies three principles for handling betrothal disputes: prohibiting soliciting property through marriage; the reasonable betrothal gifts amount based on local practice and customs; and the balance of rights and interests of both parties by considering their duration of cohabitation, marriage registration status and whether they have children.

Two common situations where disputes of betrothal gifts often occur is “flash divorce” and living together without legal registration of marriage. 

The court clarified that in addition to marriage registration, the bride price is usually meant for living together for a long time. Thus, the time of cohabitation should be considered an important factor in determining whether and how much the bride price should be returned. 

Meanwhile, considering that the termination of pregnancy causes harm to a woman’s health, it is appropriate to return only part of the bride price to better balance the interests of both parties.

In one case where the couple did not register their marriage but held a wedding ceremony according to local customs, lived together for three years and had conceived a child, the court did not support the return of the bride price to protect the woman’s legitimate rights and interests. 

Besides, the top court also noted that bride price and dowry are both traditional Chinese marriage customs which share a common purpose and should be subject to the same rules based on local customs. 

China's elderly population aged 60 and over reaches 280m, 19.8% of total

China's elderly population aged 60 and above reached 280.04 million by the end of 2022, accounting for 19.8 percent of the total population, according to the latest report released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Demographers say China has paid great attention to addressing challenges brought by the aging population but more can be improved, such as further optimizing China's social security system.

The country's elderly population aged 65 and over reached 209.78 million in 2022, accounting for 14.9 percent of the total population, while the national dependency ratio of the elderly population aged 65 and above hit 21.8 percent, the report titled Communique on the Development of the National Cause for Aging said. 

Since China became an aging society at the end of the 20th century, the number and proportion of the elderly population have continued to grow. From 2000 to 2018, the elderly population aged 60 and above increased from 126 million to 249 million, and in 2022, the number reached 280 million. The proportion of elderly population also increased from 10.2 percent in 2000 to 17.9 percent in 2018, and further to 19.8 percent in 2022. 

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there have been three birth peaks. It is expected that the size of the elderly population will reach the peak of 520 million in 2054, Yuan Xin, a professor from the Institute of Population and Development at Nankai University's School of Economics, told the Global Times.

"China's aging rate is faster than that of 15 countries with more than 100 million people in the world. One of the reasons is the drop in the fertility rate," Yuan noted. China's fertility rate is estimated to have dropped to a record low of 1.09 in 2022, data from China Population and Development Research Center showed. 

China's pressure in dealing with such a large elderly population is unprecedented, not only in terms of size but also in terms of the rapid increase in growth, Yuan noted. 

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, more than 300 documents and plans for the elderly population have been issued at or above the provincial or ministerial level. 

Wang Jianjun, former executive deputy director of the Office of the National Working Commission on Aging, has said that prioritizing the health of the elderly, China has seen improvements in providing basic insurance care and has built a complete welfare system to support the aging society.

When it comes to the supply of elderly care services, the report is optimistic, saying in this area it is being "continuously enhanced."

In 2022, the compliance rate of supporting elderly care service facilities in newly built residential areas in cities across the country reached 83.2 percent. Improvement of quality and efficiency among special care hospitals and hospitals for the family of martyrs has been seen after the central budget delineated support for them, the report said. 

Data shows that by the end of 2022, there were 387,000 elderly care institutions and facilities of various types across the country, with a total of 8.294 million elderly care beds.

Among them, 41,000 were registered elderly care institutions, an increase of 1.6 percent over the previous year, with 5.183 million beds, an increase of 2.9 percent over the previous year. There are, by the end of 2022, 347,000 community elderly care service institutions and facilities with 3.111 million beds, according to the report.

Additionally, China continues to optimize the establishment of majors related to elderly care services at secondary vocational schools, higher vocational colleges, and higher vocational undergraduate schools.

Also, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have introduced several policies and measures to provide relief and support to the elderly care and childcare service industry. 

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has guided qualified regions to explore providing vacant public rental housing free of charge to social institutions, so that they can provide meal assistance, day care, rehabilitation care, elderly education and other services for the elderly in the community, according to the report. 

Yuan told the Global Times that if society offers more social participation opportunities for the elderly by raising the retirement age, the income status and consumption willingness of the elderly population would be a huge potential market and new economic growth point. 

The demographer said supporting facilities and systems would have to be established to support the raising of the retirement age, for example, letting the elderly choose whether to extend their retirement flexibly and if they are okay to do part-time work.

Hong Kong's top fencer shines at Chengdu Games

Hong Kong, China's Olympic fencing gold medalist Cheung Ka-long shone at the Chengdu FISU Games on Friday. Putting on a wonderful and steady performance, Cheung triumphed over France's Loisel Pierre with a score of 15-12, winning the gold medal in the men's foil individual bout. 

At the beginning of the match, Cheung was trailing 2-4, but he quickly adjusted and went on to win five consecutive points, gradually taking control of the match. 

In this individual men's foil competition, there were a total of 68 participants divided into 10 groups, with 50 players advancing to the knockout stage. Cheung was well-prepared and successfully advanced from the group stage with a perfect record of six wins. In the knockout stage, he defeated competitors from Chinese Taipei, Hungary, France, and his teammate to advance to the final and ultimately claim the championship.

The 26-year-old stated that this is his first and final participation in the Universiade, and it is also his first time participating in a major multi-sport event since the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. 

Cheung told the Global Times that he felt a great atmosphere at the scene as the audience erupted with enthusiastic cheers.

Cheung became Hong Kong, China's first Olympic fencing gold medalist, beating the pre-match favorite and defending champion Daniele Garozzo 15-10 in the men's individual foil final on July 26, 2021.

China's Hong Kong SAR has sent its largest delegation in history, with a total of 142 athletes, to the Chengdu Games.

In the fencing event, the Hong Kong team has performed exceptionally well. 

On Wednesday, Hong Kong fencer Hsieh Kaylin Sin-yan impressed everyone by winning the gold medal in the women's sabre individual competition, the first gold medal to be won in the fencing event at the Chengdu Games. 

Cheung's teammate, Lu Jian-ming, also achieved success by winning the bronze medal in the individual foil event. 

Cheung said he is proud of his teammate's outstanding performance. Next, Cheung will participate in the men's foil team event representing the Hong Kong, China team.

On July 30, Cheung led the Hong Kong Fencing Team to a bronze medal in the men's foil team event at the 2023 World Fencing Championships.

He told the Global Times that they will continue to work hard and strive for better results, building on their current momentum.

China-US sister cities: Building ‘bridges of friendship’

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message to the fifth China-US Sister Cities Conference, saying the close cooperation between sister provinces/states and sister cities has been fruitful over the past four decades.    

The foundation of China-US relations lies in the people and the source of strength lies in the friendship between people, Xi said in his message to the conference held in Suzhou in East China's Jiangsu Province. The "Build Green Cities for the People" conference was co-hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the Jiangsu provincial government. 

In the era of globalization, informatization, and urbanization, cities have become centers for cultural exchanges and innovation. International sister city initiatives, aimed at promoting cultural exchanges, are increasingly valued and encouraged by governments around the world. The relationship between nations thrives on the affinity between the people of those nations, which in turn is built on mutual understanding and communication. 

President Xi has repeatedly emphasized the importance of strengthening people-to-people bonds and cultural exchanges between China and the US. 

Xi stressed that the China-US Sister Cities Conference is an important mechanism for sub-national exchanges that has played a positive role in promoting development and cooperation between sister cities. He called on participants of the conference to continue to serve as a bridge for sub-national exchanges, enabling provinces/states and cities to play a greater role in promoting the sound and steady development of bilateral relations and improving the well-being of the peoples of the two countries. 

Today, sister provinces/states and sister cities are important platforms for deepening friendship and achieving win-win cooperation. They are also an important component of bilateral relations. Since the first pair between China and the US was set in 1979, 284 pairs have been formed so far. 

Local exchanges and interactions between sister provinces/states and sister cities have expanded the foundation for cooperation between the two countries and have become important platforms for people-to-people exchanges and long-term partnerships in business and cultural exchanges. Under the framework of China-US sister cities, through exchanges in the field of education, science, language, and art by means of sister city conferences, annual celebrations, administrative exchanges, and establishment of offices, numerous "bridges of friendship" have been built across national boundaries, regions, races and ages.

As an extension and supplement to official interactions between the two countries, China-US sister city exchanges have added substantial content to the cultural exchanges between the two countries. For example, since East China's Xiamen and Miami signed an Agreement on Establishing Friendly Exchange Relations, the two sides have conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation in cultural exchange fields such as tourism, education, and scientific research. Serving as a link for cultural exchanges between the two cities, Xiamen University and the University of Miami have engaged in in-depth exchanges in various disciplines in recent years, offering joint courses and holding a series of academic seminars and exchange activities for international students. The Tianjin Conservatory of Music and the Juilliard School in New York have carried out high-level artistic collaborations and strengthened cooperation in arts education, adding new platforms for China-US cultural exchanges.

Sister provinces/states and sister cities interactions between China and the US have long been an essential bridge promoting the development of relationships between the two countries. The core of these exchanges is people-to-people interactions. Actively carrying out sister city initiatives positively shapes the perceptions of officials, enterprises and private individuals involved in these activities. These exchanges help enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries. In a subtle and profound way, they increase a sense of closeness and trust among people, solidifying the social and popular foundation for the stability and development of China-US relations.

To some extent, these sister city exchanges serve as a "barometer" of China-US relations. In recent years, under the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the growth rate and frequency of interactions among China-US sister cities have declined. However, these sister cities still resiliently maintain interactions and cooperation, conducting a series of online cultural exchange activities. For example, Jingdezhen in East China's Jiangxi Province and Door county in Wisconsin held a video conference on tourism development; Lijiang, a city in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, joined hands with Roanoke, Virginia to conduct an online exchange activity themed "University Life During the Pandemic" in which university students from both cities held a cordial conversation and shared their understanding of each other's cultures.

Local exchanges and cooperation are undoubtedly a significant force and social foundation for the development of China-US relations. When China-US relations encounter difficulties, local exchanges facilitated by sister cities become even more precious and of vital importance. 

As Xi stated in his message to the fifth China-US Sister Cities Conference, sister provinces/states and sister cities have engaged in close, productive cooperation over the past four decades, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples. 

Looking forward, sister provinces/states and sister cities can play a unique role, injecting new energy into the stability and development of China-US relations.