Population of Siberian tigers in China bouncing back with restoration of habitats: national administration

Population of Siberian tigers in China is growing following a concerted effort to save the endangered species, and the construction of a national park-based system which has provided a suitable habitat for tigers.

China has four subspecies of tigers of the Siberian tiger, Indochinese tiger, Bengal tiger, and South China tiger, making it the country with the most tiger subspecies.

Over recent years, the country has continuously strengthened tiger conservation efforts through a series of effective measures, including establishing a series of natural reserves and management stations in the wild tiger distribution areas, designated important tiger habitats, strengthened habitat patrols and monitoring, the Global Times learned from National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) on Monday, which also marks International Tiger Day.

China has built a Northeast Tiger and Leopard National Park covering an area of 1.41 million square kilometers, putting in place an integrated "sky and ground" monitoring system.

The enhancement of tiger habitats has effectively protected the largest population and the only stable breeding family of tigers in China. Within the national park, the tiger population has grown to around 70, and in 2023, eight breeding families and over 20 cubs were recorded, with a distribution range exceeding 11,000 square kilometers, about 80 percent of the total area of the park.

The government remains committed to improving the scientific rescue process and standards for endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, as well as establishing a system for the prevention and diagnosis of common diseases, according to the NFGA.

Measures have been implemented to strictly prohibit the sale, purchase, import, and export of tigers and their products, and to disrupt the poaching, smuggling, and illegal trade of tiger products. China is actively engaging in international cooperation and exchanges with countries where tigers are distributed.

In March this year, China and Russia jointly established a research lab on Siberian tiger conservation at Northeast Forestry University in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province.

The lab encompasses research areas such as wildlife ecology and management, Siberian tiger feeding and breeding, and wildlife genetics.

Also known as the Amur tiger, the Siberian tiger is one of the most endangered animals in the world and a rare species of the forest ecosystem mainly living in Russia's Far East and Northeast China. About 500 Siberian tigers are believed to be living in the wild, according to Xinhua News Agency.

Grape harvest dawns

Farmers pick high-quality locally grown grapes on a plantation in Chaohu, East China's Anhui Province on July 28, 2024. In recent years, Chaohu has made great efforts to create jobs and incomes for farmers and contribute to rural revitalization. Photo: VCG

South Korea must restore balanced diplomacy between China and US: Korean scholar

Editor's Note:
As Washington has intensified its efforts to strengthen the trilateral alliance with Seoul and Tokyo, East Asia is experiencing heightened tensions and, for many in the region, East Asia is almost on the brink of potential conflict. Against this backdrop, in an interview with Global Times (GT) reporter Xia Wenxin, Kwon Ki-sik (Kwon), president of the Korea-China City Friendship Association (KCCFA) and distinguished professor at Seoul Media Graduate University, said that South Korea should not be serving "as a pawn in the US' anti-China strategy." South Korea must restore balanced diplomacy as soon as possible, Kwon said. He also shared his views on China-South Korea relations, the importance of trilateral cooperation among Beijing, Seoul and Tokyo, and his recent trip to Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region.

GT: The US-Japan-South Korea trilateral leaders' summit at Camp David in August last year signaled that the US is strengthening cooperation with its two allies in East Asia. How do you see Washington's efforts to pull in Japan, and especially South Korea? 

Kwon: The US' intention to strengthen the US-South Korea-Japan trilateral alliance in East Asia means that it is difficult for the US to deal with China by itself. Unable to deal with China militarily and economically, the US now adopts a strategy to create an anti-China alliance with South Korea and Japan, two economic and military powers in East Asia.

The US' promotion of its alliance with South Korea and Japan is to demand a share in the military costs of defending against China, for example, through increased defense spending for the US military in South Korea.

[During his tenure,] former US president Donald Trump, called for a fivefold increase in South Korea's share of defense spending. South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who have weak domestic political bases, have no choice but to bow to Washington's demands. Increased military cooperation between South Korea and the US is also likely to result in an increase in military tensions in East Asia. It is also likely to increase the risk of war on the Korean Peninsula. 

GT: At its annual summit this month, NATO proposed to deepen cooperation with the four Asia-Pacific countries, namely, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, in a wide range of areas. Why is NATO strengthening cooperation with these four countries? Is NATO expanding into the Asia-Pacific region? 

Kwon: NATO recently proposed deepening cooperation with four Asia-Pacific countries in a variety of areas, which is consistent with the US strategy to strengthen the South Korea-US-Japan military alliance. The US believes that an anti-China military alliance in East Asia is not enough. Therefore, it is calling for NATO to cooperate with the four countries in the Asia-Pacific, with the intention of weakening China's influence in both East Asia and the Pacific and to bring European countries with diverse security interests together in a united anti-China front. NATO has also recognized the importance of security cooperation with the US, as it has been severely threatened by the ongoing war in Ukraine. NATO is already expanding its influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

GT: Why is it important for South Korea to maintain a balance between China and the US?

Kwon: South Korea's diplomacy has always been a conflict between balanced diplomacy and pro-US alliance diplomacy. Liberal presidents such as Kim Dae-jung, Roh Moo-hyun, and Moon Jae-in had pursued a balanced diplomacy between the US and China, while conservative presidents such as Park Geun-hye, Lee Myung-bak, and the incumbent Yoon Suk-yeol have focused on strengthening the South Korea-US alliance.

South Korea, in the middle of the US-China strategic competition, should aim for a balanced diplomacy. China is South Korea's largest export market, and South Korea's cooperation with China is essential for peace on the Korean Peninsula. South Korea should not serve as a pawn in the US' anti-China strategy. South Korea must restore a balanced diplomacy as soon as possible.

GT: How do you see the current development of China-South Korea relations?

Kwon: South Korea and China have had one of the world's most exemplary economic partnerships since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992. The two countries have achieved remarkable growth through economic cooperation and have worked together for peace on the Korean Peninsula. However, since the THAAD [Terminal High Altitude Area Defense] crisis during the Park Geun-hye administration, the relationship has started to suffer.
I believe that the worst phase of the relationship [between South Korea and China] has passed. The Yoon administration, facing a difficult domestic political environment, is unlikely to make any foolish moves that would worsen the relationship over the objections of the business community. South Korea has no choice but to pursue diplomatic stability, especially since it is hosting the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in 2025. South Korea and China have shared economic interests, so efforts should be made to restore good relations.

GT: The leaders of China, Japan and South Korea met in Seoul for the Ninth Trilateral Summit in May this year. How do you view the prospects for cooperation among the three countries?

Kwon: The Ninth Trilateral Summit held in Seoul in May was a partial achievement in terms of communication among the leaders of the three countries amid the US strategy of strengthening the anti-China alliance. However, it is difficult to achieve much unless South Korean President Yoon and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida change from pro-US alliance diplomacy to balanced diplomacy. In particular, Yoon's and Kishida's domestic political bases are weak, making it difficult for them to utilize their diplomatic and strategic assets. After the US presidential election, the new US administration's policy toward China will inevitably affect the trilateral cooperation.

The [China-Japan-South Korea] trilateral cooperation is of great significance in reducing the threat of war in East Asia and strengthening economic cooperation. Peace and prosperity in East Asia can be achieved only through trilateral cooperation. It is important for the three countries to gradually restore trust and expand cooperation through summits and ministerial meetings as well as business-to-business, local government and cultural exchanges.

GT: You visited Xizang not long ago. Can you share with us what you saw on your trip?

Kwon: During my trip to Xizang, I toured the regional capital city of Lhasa and the second-largest city of Xigaze. Two things impressed me. The first was that the cities are very vibrant. Since the opening of the Qinghai-Xizang Railway, I got the feeling that the local economy has been undergoing a significant development, with smoother logistics and an increase in tourists. I saw that the new downtown area of Lhasa is now like the downtown area of a big city like Beijing.

Second, I didn't see any of the ethnic conflicts that the Western media have hyped. I was impressed by the respect, harmony and cooperation among ethnic Tibetans, Han and other ethnic groups. When I visited Lhasa No.8 Middle School, I saw Tibetan and Han students living together and studying the Tibetan language and traditional culture, which made me think that the Chinese government's policy of ethnic integration based on favoring ethnic minorities has been very successful.

Xizang is pursuing economic development in a highly stable situation. The Western media's critical coverage of the region is a malicious distortion of the facts. As a former journalist, I can unequivocally testify to the stability and ethnic unity of Xizang.

GT: Some Western countries, led by the US, have been attacking China on various Xizang-related issues, and recently the US, in particular, has been increasingly playing the "Xizang card" by passing the Resolve Tibet Act. After your Xizang trip, what do you think about these moves by some Western forces? 

Kwon: Western politicians and media, especially those in the US, have distorted the facts about Xizang. Xizang is part of China, and the Tibetan people live in harmony with other ethnic groups. The Western media's distortions violate the media's mission to report the facts. Their false reports are motivated by a desire to attack the weak link in the defense of China's growth and global governance and to build an anti-China international order. This is not only unsuccessful, but also a foolish maneuver that will hinder the development and well-being of the Tibetan people.

GT: What role does the KCCFA play in promoting relations between our two countries? What efforts have been made?

Kwon: Since its establishment in 2016, the KCCFA has been contributing to the promotion of friendship between the two countries through local government exchanges and youth exchanges. One of the achievements of the KCCFA is the proposal and promotion of the sister city exchange program between Seoul's Geumcheon District and Xizang's Xigaze City. Since the establishment of the association's South Korea-China Economic Cooperation Center in Seoul in March, the KCCFA has been conducting various economic cooperation projects to contribute to the economic development of the two countries. In August, the China office of the South Korea-China Economic Cooperation Center will open in Hangzhou.

While at times countries may have a conflict of interest, cooperation between local governments should always be amicable. During diplomatic conflicts, local government exchanges serve as a shockproof system. I believe that it is in the national interest of South Korea to maintain friendly relations with China. The KCCFA will be China's best friend and a platform for exchanges.

Visa applications for Chinese citizens recover to 70% of 2019 levels; Europe popular due to Paris Olympics

As global tourism continues to pick up momentum, the demand for outbound tourism among Chinese citizens is also on the rise, as data showed that the total number of visa applications processed in the first six months of 2024 has already reached nearly 70 percent of the same period in 2019, with Europe a popular choice due to the Paris Olympics.

This year has seen a notable surge in applications for travel, studying abroad and business purposes. Visa applications in the first half of this year have reached nearly 70 percent of the same period in 2019, VFS Global, an outsourcing and technology service agency told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Among these, the demand for Schengen visas is particularly in high, it added.

Taking advantage of the 2024 European Cup and Paris Olympics, coupled with the continuous growth in visa applications for study tours and visits, Europe has become a popular choice for summer outbound travel, VFS said.

"As one of our largest and most important source markets, China is experiencing a peak in visa applications. With the resumption of flights and changes in visa policies, there has been a significant increase in the enthusiasm of Chinese citizens for high-end ooutbound tourism," said Kishen Singh, Chief Operating Officer of Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Mongolia of VFS Global.

Most applicants are from first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Singh said.

Ahead of the Paris Olympics, which starts on Friday, Chinese tourists have become more enthusiastic about traveling to France.

China Eastern Airlines said its China-France flights have transported 16,000 passenger trips with 84.48 percent load factor in the first 18 days of July before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, up 3.94 percentage points from last month.

The carrier said that during the 2024 summer travel peak, the booking volume of China-France flights surpassed the level in the same period of 2019 and the load factor saw a 1.02 percentage point increase, the carrier told the Global Times.

Before and after the Paris Olympics, many airlines, including China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines and Xiamen Airlines launched or increased direct flights to France.

China Southern Airlines plans to increase its Guangzhou-Paris route from five flights a week to seven from July 26 to September 11. Hainan Airlines also plans to start a direct route from Chongqing to Paris from August 6, in addition to the current Shenzhen to Paris route.

The number of inquiries and bookings for France and Europe has increased significantly in the past few months because of the Paris Olympics, Cheng Xin, a senior travel consultant at the travel agency UTour Group Co, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

The Paris Olympics also indirectly boosted the summer tourism market across Europe. Data provided by travel platform Qunar.com showed that from July 20 to August 20, the number of international air ticket bookings for Paris increased 2.3 times compared with the same period last year.

Cheng predicted that due to the Paris Olympics, the number of Chinese tourists to France and other European countries during the summer vacation could grow by around 30 percent year-on-year.

Visa demand from Chinese travelers has been increasing steadily since 2023 and continues to accelerate in 2024, Singh said.

Major destinations for visa applications for Chinese travelers include Canada, Germany, Italy, UK and the US. Additionally, Japan, South Korea and Thailand are popular choices among countries closer to China, he added.

Brazil’s export suspension on chicken products to boost domestic supply, price: experts

Chinese poultry industry is expected to see more positive outcomes rather than any negative impact from a recent suspension of poultry exports announced by Brazil, Chinese industry analysts and insiders said on Monday, indicating the latest change on the supply side is expected to boost domestic supply and shore up a weak market.

Brazil, the world largest chicken exporter, has announced the suspension of the exports on some poultry products, effective on July 18, following a case of viral disease was detected in a chicken farm in the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil, the country's agricultural ministry said on Friday.

The restrictions range, depending on the destination country, from all Brazilian poultry exports to products only from Rio Grande do Sul, Reuters reported, citing the Brazilian agriculture ministry.

The restrictions affect sales to 44 nations including China, Argentina, the EU, Japan and Saudi Arabia, the ministry said.

Industry insiders said that the suspension of the Brazilian poultry products will have minimal negative impacts to Chinese market, even though the South American country holds a relatively large share among overseas supplies. Instead, it may help shore up the supplies of the alternative home-made products.

Chicken feet and chicken wings account for a significant proportion in Brazil's agricultural exports to China, and with the export of these products suspending due to the virus, the reduced supply, combined with the boost from seasonal demand in China, may support the stronger price trend of the corresponding products in the domestic market, Sun Yanan, an industry analyst from bulk commodity information platform Sci99.com, told the Global Times on Monday.

As the world's largest poultry meat exporter, Brazil's poultry exports increased by 6.6 percent year-on-year in 2023 to 5.138 million tons. China is the main buyer of Brazilian poultry meat, according to media reports.

In the first half of the year, Brazil exported 101,800 tons of frozen chicken wings, accounting for 74.77 percent of China's total imports. During the same period, the country also exported 90,300 tons of frozen chicken feet, accounting 42.79 percent of China's total imports of these products, according to Sun.

Given that Brazilian products have consistently ranked first among China's imported products for many years, with imported chicken feet and frozen chicken wings together accounting for more than 40 percent of China's total imports.

"This news is expected to lead to a stronger price trend for the chicken by-products in the short term," Sun noted.

There has been a widespread increase in prices across the chicken supply chain as the market demand recovers. The news of Brazil restricting exports has added additional fuel to the price rise.

For example, on Friday, the price of live chickens in East China's Shandong Province and North China's Hebei Province rose to 3.7-3.75 yuan per jin (0.5 kilograms), up about 10 percent from the two-and-a-half-year low of 3.39 yuan per jin on June 10.

The suspension of the corresponding products has just been put in place, it will take time for the market to digest the possible impact. However, it should be considered a rather positive news to the domestic market suppliers, an employee with Fujian-based chicken meat company Sunner Group told the Global Times on Monday.

The company's production capacity has been rising and it can accommodate the change in market demand, the person said.

China endorses private sector participation and leadership in major tech initiatives

China is supporting private enterprises in leading major technological breakthroughs, emphasizing the improvement of mechanisms for their participation in national projects. This is part of a series of significant measures launched following the recently concluded third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

The third plenary session adopted a resolution on further deepening reforms designed to comprehensively advance Chinese modernization. Reforms and policies regarding the private economy are crucial components of this resolution.

The meeting highlighted the construction of a high-level socialist market economy system, while also emphasizing the need to better leverage market mechanisms to create a fairer and more dynamic market environment, stimulating the intrinsic motivation and innovative vitality of the entire society, according Han Wenxiu, executive deputy director of the office of the Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs.

Enterprises, as an essential part of China's economy, have played a crucial role in the development and construction of multiple innovation and high-tech fields. Enterprises have become the main source of effective invention patents in China. According to the National Intellectual Property Administration, in 2023, enterprises accounted for over 70 percent of effective invention patents, exceeding 3 million in total.

The resolution issued after the third plenary session further emphasized the importance of developing the private economy, aimed at promoting the complementary and common development of various ownership economies in China, Han said.

Further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization is a significant goal of this session, including attention to both private and state-owned enterprises. According to Han, China will push for independent operations and market-driven reforms of state-owned enterprises, and foster a better environment for the private sector, providing more opportunities through a long-term mechanism that supports capable private companies in leading national technological projects.

Administrative inspections involving private enterprises should be standardized, the best business environment is one governed by law, hence the need to formulate and introduce a law promoting the private economy, Han added.

Encouraging private enterprises to participate in major national projects is a development plan China highly values. Zheng Shanjie, chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's top economic planner, stated in March that private enterprises are encouraged and supported to participate in major national projects and shortfall projects.

The NDRC will continue to recommend high-quality projects to private capital, helping private capital to find projects and assisting private investment projects in fundings, Zheng stated.

China suspends short-selling to boost market confidence

The Chinese top securities regulator has suspended securities relending starting from Thursday, as part of measures to strengthen counter-cyclical adjustments and maintain stock market stability.

Following the stimulus policy, major stocks in China closed higher at the end of trading, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index climbing 1.06 percent to 2,970.39 points. The Shenzhen Component Index rose 1.99 percent to 8,870.36 points, while the ChiNext Index jumped 2.06 percent to 1,685.12 points.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) said on Wednesday that it had approved an application submitted by the China Securities Finance Corp Ltd (CSF) to suspend securities relending, with the suspension taking effect on Thursday.

Existing securities relending contracts can be extended, but they should be settled prior to September 30, the CSRC said in a statement.

Securities relending refers to when the CSF lends its own securities or those raised in accordance with the law to securities companies for them to engage in secondary lending.

The CSRC said it has also approved arrangements to raise margin requirements for short-selling activities from a minimum of 80 percent to 100 percent, while the margin requirements for private equity funds will be raised from a minimum of 100 percent to 120 percent. The regulator said that the new policy will enter force on July 22.

A series of moves taken by the CSRC will help lift investor confidence and maintain the stability of the market amid recent downward pressure, Yang Delong, chief economist at Shenzhen-based First Seafront Fund, told the Global Times on Thursday.

In addition to these policies, Yang called for more long-term capitals to enter the A-share market so as to reverse the downward trend of the stock market.

"The stock market is not only a barometer of the macro-economy but could also in turn affects the economy," he said, noting that a sound stock market could contribute more to the development of sci-tech firms and create fortune for investors.

In wake of the CSRC's enhanced regulations in this regard which were first flagged in August 2023, short-selling in China has already declined drastically. The outstanding amount for short trades fell by 64 percent and 75 percent for securities lending, by the end of June this year, according to the government agency.

The latest moves made a necessary adjustment for stock supply and trade mechanism of domestic capital market, as well as responding to market voices, Dong Shaopeng, a senior research fellow from the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Thursday.

"The moves ignited investor enthusiasm to some extent but the effect is still remains at an early stage. The market's pricing mechanism and financial fraud should be rectified and improved," he said, calling for an earnest implementation of the State Council Nine-Point Guideline.

In April, the State Council released a guideline on strengthening regulation, forestalling risks and promoting the high-quality development of the capital market. This is the third guideline document addressing capital markets issued by the State Council in two decades.

In a concerted effort to fortify the integrity of China's capital markets, authorities have rolled out a robust framework to curb financial fraud and enhance market discipline. For instance, the CSRC is advancing legal work to drastically raise the punishment cap for violations related to illegal information disclosure from 600,000 yuan ($82,565) to 10 million yuan for companies, and from 300,000 yuan to 5 million yuan for individuals.

Amid continued positive macro-economic figures and expectations for measures on further deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization, international financial institutions are increasingly buoyant on the outlook for Chinese shares.

Yang called for confidence and patience in assessing China's stock market, stressing that the recovery of the Chinese economy is expected to pick up speed in the second half of the year which will drive a rebound in the stock market.

State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company Supports Green and Low-Carbon Development in Rural Areas

On the evening of July 16, staff from State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company visited Guilin village in Tianmu Lake town, Liyang city, Jiangsu Province, to inspect electricity usage and upgrade power lines during the “Bonfire Music Salon” event.

Guilin village, situated between the Shahe Reservoir and Daxi Reservoir, serves as a prime area for Liyang’s all-for-one tourism development. In recent years, the State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company has actively supported China’s rural revitalization by accelerating the grid upgrades in Guilin village and providing tailored power supply solutions for its pursuit of low-carbon and green development.

In 2017, the Liyang Municipal Government proposed an all-for-one tourism development strategy, and Guilin village took the chance, emerging as a pivotal node along its development axis, Liyang No.1 Highway. State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company, following the rural revitalization initiative, has offered the village special grid transformation plans and upgraded service lines and power supply equipment to facilitate its transition into a beautiful and harmonious countryside spot. Additionally, Jiangsu’s first “Digital Smart Power Distribution Area” was established through comprehensive upgrades to transformers, distribution cabinets, and residential meter boxes. This enabled real-time monitoring of power quality, branch circuit losses, and incidents such as fires and water ingress within meter boxes.

Moreover, tea, as a pivotal industry in Guilin village, is impossible to overlook. In 2022, to meet the electricity demands of the all-electric tea-making process, staff from the State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company visited tea farmers to develop customized plans. This effort coincided with Changzhou’s implementation of power supply measures that benefited the public, leading to the installation of over 60 new transformers and the upgrade of more than 20 kilometers of power lines surrounding the village’s tea fields. Last year, the company also introduced mobile energy storage and power tracking technology to address electricity challenges during peak tea-making seasons for local farmers.

With the rapid growth across various sectors, the 22-square-kilometer Guilin village now hosts over 120 distinctive homestays, agritourism spots, and family farms. In November 2023, the upcoming Dream World planned to electrify its kitchen facilities. Leveraging the electricity service convenience points under the “village network co-construction” program, State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company secured worry-free and efficient upgrades for the tea house through one-stop services and technical support.

This year, the State Grid Changzhou Electric Power Supply Company has designated Guilin village as a demonstration site to develop the “wind-PV-storage-charging” intelligent microgrid. Additionally, wind power generation, distributed PV, shared energy storage, and other advanced energy-consuming equipment will be applied in the village, injecting stronger green power into its development.

Chinese PV giants, Saudi Arabia sign big deals to expand solar cells production, launch energy storage project

Three Chinese photovoltaic (PV) giants including JinkoSolar Co and TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co announced big business deals on Tuesday, the same day that two exchange-traded funds (ETFs) tracking large Saudi companies debuting on the China’s A-share market, highlighting the strengthening trade and financial cooperation between China and the Middle East.

On Tuesday, JinkoSolar announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary JinkoSolar Middle East DMCC signed a contract with Renewable Energy Localization Company (RELC), the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Saudi Public Investment Fund and Vision Industries Company (VI) to establish a joint venture (JV) in Saudi Arabia to build a 10-gigawatt (GW) high-efficiency photovoltaic module project there.

The total investment in the project reaches approximately $985 million, with JinkoSolar Middle East and RELC holding 40 percent, and VI holding 20 percent of the company’s shares. JinkoSolar said that it will provide IP licensing, research and development, sales and marketing services as part of the agreement.

On the same day, TCL Zhonghuan announced plans to build a factory in Saudi Arabia, and will sign an agreement with the VI and RELC to set up a JV company, jointly building an annual output of 20GW PV crystal wafer project in the country.

The total investment in the project is expected to be approximately $2.08 billion. TCL Zhonghuan, through its wholly owned subsidiary in Singapore, holds 40 percent of the company’s shares.

RELC and VI will support the JV in obtaining the relevant licenses and approvals required for operations in Saudi Arabia, assisting the project in obtaining competitive support from the local government, while TCL Zhonghuan will license the required intellectual property rights and know-how to the JV and ensure that the construction of the plant will be completed on time.

Moreover, another Chinese PV giant, Sungrow, announced on Tuesday that the company and Saudi Arabia’s ALGIHAZ successfully signed the world’s largest energy storage project, with a capacity of up to 7.8 GWh.

The project will start product delivery this year, and the full-capacity grid-connected operation will be completed in 2025, which will effectively improve the stability and reliability of Saudi Arabia’s national grid, and help realize its “Vision 2030” plan.

Two ETFs tracking large Saudi companies, including Saudi Aramco, made successful debuts on the Chinese A-share market on Tuesday, and their values rose by the daily limit of 10 percent, with a premium of more than 6 percent.

According to statistics from Wind, a Chinese financial data provider, the total turnover of the two ETFs reached 4.896 billion yuan ($673.6 million) on the first day of trading. The two ETFs extended gains to open higher on Wednesday, with one rising to hit the daily limit of 10 percent and the other opening at 8 percent higher.

Part-time job as a ‘wild man’ in scenic area in Northeast China becomes a hit with young people

A recent online video showing people dressed as savages interacting with tourists at a scenic area in Benxi, Northeast China's Liaoning Province, earning 200 yuan ($27.5) a day, has sparked heated debate among Chinese netizens, with many asking in the comments how to apply for the job.

In the video, several people dressed as savages repeatedly slap their hands on their lips, make strange noises, and interact with tourists in various ways. 

According to media reports on Sunday, after posting a job announcement in April, nearly 100 people applied within a week, with only four eventually landing a job, aged between 19 and 28.

The person in charge of the recruitment said that hundreds of people called the scenic area to enquire about the opening. The original purpose of creating the position was to help tourists de-stress, and the requirement for "wild people" is just interaction in a fun way, and not to talk, according to media reports.

The actors work from 10 am-3 pm with lunch included, according to media reports, the staff also confirmed the position came with a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan, with many netizens commenting that "this is the ideal job for me to relieve my stress and also get paid."

However, the staff added that each actor had undergone rigorous training, and that the online rumor that the actors were allowed to steal visitors' lunch was untrue.